Power, Water and Prosperity

In 1909, the South San Joaquin Irrigation District was established to provide a reliable and economical source of irrigation water and drainage for the agricultural areas in and around Escalon, Ripon and Manteca.
The formation of the district did more than just bring needed water to convert 70,000 acres into productive farmland. It literally gave life to Manteca, Ripon and Escalon. A strong vision of thriving, productive agricultural and residential communities drove us to become one of the most progressive water districts in California. Over 100 years later, our investment in the future of our community has paid off with unparalleled water and energy resources for those who make South San Joaquin County home.
Prior to SSJID, Manteca had only a dozen homes and only winter crops could be grown.
That all changed after May 11, 1909 when voters by a 396 to 67 margin embraced the formation of SSJID, as well as a $1,875,000 bond issue. The district, along with Oakdale Irrigation District, had the wisdom and foresight to develop the Tri-Dam Project, a system of reservoirs, dams and powerhouses that would ensure the financial success of SSJID for many years to come. Currently Tri-Dam produces nearly 135 megawatt hours yearly, and along with generation sold from additional SSJID hydropower facilities, continues to be an important financial resource for the district and provides SSJID the ability to undertake this project. The entire system was financed without aid from either the state or federal governments.