SSJID continues to work hard to provide safe, accountable, and local electric service to our communities.
We are powered by this purpose, and continue to monitor PG&E’s bankruptcy, examine proposed legislation that could impact our customers and be active participants in the legislative process.

February 2024
Manteca Avoids paying PG&E $400,000 Yearly Thanks To SSJID
South San Joaquin Irrigation District hasn’t yet cleared the final court hurdles to become Manteca’s retail electricity provider, but they have already been saving residents and businesses money when it comes to PG&E costs.

February 2024
Supervisor Rickman and Board Encourage Residents to Contact CPUC Over Proposed Rate Increases
The San Joaquin Board of Supervisors oppose the latest round of rate hikes proposed by PG&E. The Board voted to oppose these rate hikes and encouraged the public to reach out to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to express how the recent and proposed rate hikes will impact their budgets and livelihoods.

January 2024
SSJID Readies For ‘Right to Take” Trial With PG&E
There is light at the end of the regulatory and judicial tunnel South San Joaquin Irrigation District has been traversing for 20 years to deliver on its promise of providing retail electricity to Manteca, Ripon, and Escalon at 15 percent below PG&E rates.

April 2023
Listen to SSJID’s General Manager discuss efforts to provide local retail electric service in an interview with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Local Energy Rules Podcast.
Electric customers in the San Joaquin Valley buy their electricity from Pacific Gas & Electric — a utility notoriously liable for causing wildfires and filing bankruptcy. Peter Rietkerk is sure that a public utility, specifically the South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID), could do a better job than PG&E.

February 2023
New Electric Utility Manager Will Spearhead Public Power Initiative
In a move to bring more dependable and affordable electric utility service to
residents and businesses, South San Joaquin Irrigation District established and filled a new
role to manage its retail and wholesale electric programs.

March 2022
As PG&E wobbles, we can’t let the utility stop the growth of public power in California
After emerging from bankruptcy for the second time in two decades, PG&E is defending itself in court over recent wildfires, fending off growing dissatisfaction with its service and trying to raise its already sky-high rates to stay afloat.

March 2022
High court refuses PG&E’s request for appeal
The California Supreme Court refuses a request by PG&E to appeal a lower court decision. This decision will allow SSJID to continue with its eminent domain efforts which could eventually force PG&E to sell the electrical system to SSJID.

December 2021
SSJID prevails in legal appeal; one step closer to replacing PG&E
The Third District Court of Appeal handed SSJID an important legal victory, ruling the district can pursue PG&E’s electrical assets through eminent domain. The court also validated the San Joaquin County approval process that determined SSJID has the ability and authority to provide electric utility service to its customers. Read Press Release

October 2020
SSJID and PG&E submitted all necessary briefs to the appellate court
PG&E and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District are awaiting the appellate court to move forward with ongoing litigation. SSJID is hopeful that the court may consider oral argument before the end of 2021, and if not, in early 2022. We encourage our community-owners to stay updated by signing up for email alerts and following us on Facebook.

May 2020
SSJID introduces Powered By Purpose, a public education campaign to explain local bid for PG&E assets
The South San Joaquin Irrigation District has launched a public education effort named Powered By Purpose as part of its continuing project to replace Pacific Gas and Electric as the retail electric power provider for Manteca, Escalon, Ripon and the surrounding areas.

April 2020
California regulator wants PG&E reorganization plan changes, proposes $2 billion fine
A California regulator has asked PG&E Corp for governance and oversight changes to its reorganization plan, while proposing about $2 billion in penalties for the San-Francisco based utility’s role in causing the devastating 2017 and 2018 wildfires in California.

March 2020
SSJID and PG&E agree to allow ongoing litigation between the two parties to continue.
In early 2015, PG&E challenged terms of San Joaquin County Local Agency Formation Commission’s approval of SSJID’s plan to provide retail electric service. SSJID proceeded with a condemnation action against PG&E in 2016 to advance its project. Both court cases are now under appeal, but the timelines were suspended due to PG&E’s bankruptcy. This stipulation will allow for final briefs to be filed and for the appellate court to take the appeals under consideration.

February 2020
New California bill could end PG&E’s power monopoly.
After 109 wildfire deaths, six felony convictions, and two bankruptcies, will PG&E get another chance?

December 2019
California should take over PG&E and possibly other utilities, former top regulator says.
Following a string of utility-sparked wildfires that have killed scores of Californians and destroyed billions in property, the former top regulator of California’s electric grid says it’s time for sweeping change — a public takeover of Pacific Gas & Electric and possibly other private utilities, which would be transformed into a state power company.

November 2019
The South San Joaquin Irrigation District would do a much better job — at a lower cost — of providing electric service to its customers than PG&E. That’s the opinion of the Modesto Bee, which criticizes PG&E for rejecting SSJID’s $116 million offer to buy PG&E’s assets in southern San Joaquin County. The newspaper calls on Gov. Gavin Newsom to use his influence to promote SSJID’s bid, saying the people of Manteca, Escalon and Ripon “deserve the chance to own their own power.”

October 2019
Montali has encouraged PG&E and some of its major creditors to pursue a deal that would leave current PG&E shareholders with only a small stake in the company. Part of that deal could include PG&E sell off valuable assets to SSJID and other local agencies. SSJID is convinced this is fair not only to PG&E’s shareholders and customers, but also to the thousands of people and businesses in San Joaquin County who would benefit from lower electric rates.

October 2019
Gov. Gavin Newsom says “greed” and “mismanagement” led to PG&E’s decision this week to cut off power to millions of people in Northern California. He accused the utility of putting profits ahead of public safety. SSJID would never do that. As a not-for-profit public agency, the needs of our customers always come first. PG&E’s actions this week underscore again why SSJID seeks to become the power provider for Manteca, Escalon and Ripon. We will deliver power with purpose, recognizing how vital it is to deliver safe and accountable electric service to everyone.

September 2019
San Francisco is joining South San Joaquin Irrigation District in a bid to convince a federal bankruptcy court that selling them PG&E retail distribution assets within their jurisdiction will give the financially shaky for-profit utility cash to help cover $30 billion in liabilities.

September 2019
The South San Joaquin Irrigation District has submitted an offer to buy electric assets from Pacific Gas & Electric in the utility company’s ongoing federal bankruptcy proceeding. The $116 million offer would provide additional cash to creditors and other claimants who expect to suffer losses in the PG&E bankruptcy.